Sunday, June 5, 2016


Rachel is 12 years old!
Her birthday was on Wednesday and she had a great day.
She woke up early and wanted to open her gifts.
Yay for Legos! The girls love Legos.
The girls went to Nana's house for awhile and I went to my bootcamp class.
Then we picked up Daniella and went out for a birthday lunch.
The rest of the day, Rachel worked on her Legos and then in the evening, Nana and
Papa came over for cake and ice cream
We did a little birthday shopping with money from Abuela and Rachel
bought another Lego castle she has wanted for a long time.
It took about three hours to build and she loves it.

I think Rachel had a great birthday this year. Still hard to believe how quickly
she is growing up and next year she will be an official teenager !

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