Monday, July 1, 2013

Photo a Day- June

                                           I am following along with Fat Mum Slim again this month.
                                                           Here are the pictures I took of  June.
                                                                       B is for...Birthday girl  
                                         A moment..... Rebecca and my parents walking into church   
                                                         On my table....a placemat of the U.S.A.
                                                      After dark....Rebecca asleep at a hotel
                               Environment....a bridge at Chehaw Zoo from our trip to Albany, GA
                                                        Transportation....a horse and carriage
                                        Bright.... the sun trying to peek from behind the clouds
                                   An animal....a butterfly door at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens
                                                              From down low...picture of our ceiling fan
                                                           You...a selfie of my " I love Diet Coke" t shirt
                                          Something funny....a gnome watering can that we saw at Walmart
                                                         11 o'clock....we were grocery shopping at Kroger
                                                                       Kitchen....our messy kitchen
                   Texture....took this of the brick wall while we were waiting in line for the pool to open
                                                                        From hydrant
                                                           Family....Raphael and the girls on Father's Day
                                                    Centered....the O in the center of all the X's
                                       Street....Street signs from a trip to downtown Lawrenceville
                                                          Currently reading....Parents magazine
                                Cute....Rebecca looking cute in the backseat on our way to the beach
                                                Lunchtime....our lunch at the Santa Maria in St. Augustine
                                                      Enjoying life....Rachel enjoying her time at the beach
              Last....our last day in St. Augustine. We ate brunch at Café 11 and then headed back home
                                                       Negative space....street light near our house
                                                                                Sharp....lots of scissors
                                                              Empty....empty Diet Coke bottle. Not a good thing.
          Into the sun....we have had a rainy/cloudy summer. This was the most I could see of the sun
                                                                    in our house

                                         Inside my wallet and our swim cards and a lot of junk
                                                                Handwriting....Rachel's picture

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