Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This Morning

This morning Rebecca and I met up with some friends at a nearby nursing home. We were scheduled for an outside egg hunt, but it looked like rain, so went inside.  Many residents lined the halls and handed out eggs to the kids. It was kind of like trick-or-treating for Easter eggs.

Rebecca had fun and these ladies thought she was the cutest. I love how the ladies were wearing their necklaces and had makeup on. I also saw and talked with a group of student nurses. Brought back lots of memories from my nursing school days.

And on a totally different subject-- this little bird has been flying at our back windows and pecking and signing away since Sunday.

We think he sees his reflection in the window and thinks it is another bird? Maybe he is looking for a mate?
Not sure what is going on, but hope he figures it out soon.

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