Monday, June 14, 2010

Georgia On My Mind

There is a blog that I read a few times a week, by a lady named Jennifer. I met her and her family when they came to Atlanta back in October. She has a huge following of her blog, something like a million people a month read her blog. I can't imagine having that many people checking in on my life and the pressure she must have to come up with something to say each day.   A while back she started writing what she calls "streams of consciousness" blog posts. She just sits down and writes whatever comes to her mind. No certain topic or any specific order- just whatever is in her heart and on her mind.  Her blog is

So, I thought that I would "borrow" her idea.  Nothing earth shattering, no deep thoughts or thought provoking words- just things I have on my mind. And I decided to give it a catchy little name- Georgia On My Mind.  So here it goes...

We had a great long weekend get-away with the girls to Chattanooga. It is a cute town and we had so much fun. I have tons of pictures to share and hopefully I can post about the trip soon.

Still have to write thank you notes from Rachel's birthday party and even a few from Rebecca's birthday. Becca's are from late arriving gifts, but still I feel bad that I haven't gotten them done yet.

I needed to go to the post office this morning and pick up our mail and get a Father's Day gift off to my Dad. But Rachel woke up really late-10a.m.! and then it was straight to Monkey Joe's to play with friends.

My house is a mess- tons of laundry to be done and even more to be folded and put away. And lots of papers to be sorted through. And still need to finish cleaning out and organizing the basement.

Rachel has a busy week ahead- swimming lessons start tonight, summer camp starts tomorrow and tennis lessons start on Thursday. Lord help us all to survive.

I can tell it is going to be a long and hot summer! Already the temps are in the nineties and the humidity is high. We spent yesterday cooling off at Lake Lanier waterpark.

Looking forward to our "double date" with our good friends this Saturday. But I need to figure out where we are going for dinner?

I really need to go grocery shopping.

I plan on making Pioneer Woman's  recipe for Ice Granitas this week. Looks so good and refreshing for summer.

Our garden is really growing! All the plants are doing well. Can't wait for the tomatoes and cucumbers to be ready.

Baby is crying, so I better go!

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1 comment:

  1. Good job! I'm liking your Georgia On My Mind post. I wonder if every mom is wandering around, pondering their mental to do list? Probably. It sounds like you have a great summer ahead of you. Isn't Chattanooga wonderful? I went to Grad school there. I would move back in a heartbeat.
    Have a great week.
