Friday, May 21, 2010

Rainy Day

Rebecca and I were going to meet up with some friends at the park this morning, but had to cancel our playdate. It started raining last night and hasn't stopped yet. I am always confused how to dress on days like this- it is pouring rain, yet eighty five degrees and humid. Should I wear shorts or pants? I never know.
 I did decided to dress Rebecca like is a hot sunny day. She loves wearing sunglasses. She gets upset if they fall off and brings them to me to put back on her. She makes the cutest little faces and you can tell that she thinks she is cute.
She loves sitting in this chair.And climbing in and out of it. It is Rachel's chair that I bought for her when she was about two years old. I guess it is time to get a bigger one for Rachel's room and give this one to Rebecca.

                                                      Happy weekend!
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