Friday, August 24, 2012

Goings Ons

I haven't been in a blogging mood lately. I am trying to get back into the swing of the things with Rachel back to school. Rebecca goes to preschool after Labor Day and I am hoping to get some sort of schedule/routine going.

A few pictures of the girls and what the have been doing lately.
Rebecca has been playing in the space behind the couch and next to the windows. She calls it her "boat" and manages to get all sorts of toys and goodies back there. She usually has at least one blanket and sometimes Lola will wonder back and take a nap in the boat.

I took the girls to the Butterfly Festival. I didn't realize how popular it was, so it was kind of crazy busy, but we had fun. There were lots of arts and crafts for the kids and exhibits to learn about butterflies and other insects.

I gave up on the trying to finish our Alphabet Summer idea. We did manage to do the letter K- we went to Krispy Kreme for donuts and then made Kool-Aid playdough. It smells really good and Rebecca is still playing with it.

                      My friend Meredith has several horses and Rebecca is in awe of them.
 Rebecca decided to take out every measuring cup and spoon we own and line them all up :)

The girls do seem to spend more time fighting then loving each other lately, but the other day I spotted them sitting with each other and actually getting along!

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