Today we had Rebecca's third birthday party! I still can't quite believe she will be three years old by this time next week. Rebecca's birthday is at a tricky time, because it is the start of spring break and Easter. Many of her friends go out of town, so I decided to have her party early and at a nearby bounce house- Monkey joes. But Rebecca likes to call it Jumpy Joes.
***** warning--many pictures to follow*****
I didn't like any invitations at the store, so I made my own. Copied it from any idea on Pinterest and I think it turned out cute.
One of the nice things about the party being on Friday morning is that the place was pretty empty. I think two other families were there, so we had lots of space to run and play.
These three are triplets! Eddie, Robert and Anna. And they have two older sisters at home! God bless their mom, Michelle. The kids are so good and really sweet.
The girls all holding hands- so sweet. Layla and Rebecca eating some ice cream and Carter.
I tried to get pictures of everyone, but didn't quite make it. We also had a set of twins at the party.
Lukas, Rebecca, Isabella and RJ.
Me and my birthday girl!
My friends-Tasha,Meredith,Michelle, Kelly, Lisa and Andrea.
Meredith is the "fun mom" in the group. She likes to go on the slides with the kids.
These are the monkey cupcakes I made. Again, I saw a similar idea on Pinterest and added a few details.
It was a fun party!
Rebecca and I came home and opened her gifts. She got so many great gifts and lots of dress up outfits.
We had a fun day. Rachel was at school and Raphael had a test today, so on her actual birthday next week we plan to have a little "family" party.