Monday, August 1, 2011

The Garden

I planted a garden again this spring and it has done pretty well.  I bought another raised garden set from Sam's Club and filled it up with lots of vegetables.

I planted three cucumbers, two tomatoes, zucchini, squash, peppers, and several kinds of herbs. Also planted a few seeds as an experiment- watermelon,cantaloupe and pumpkins. The watermelons are growing like crazy, not sure when to pick them?

My favorite herb- dill. The smell reminds me of my Uncle Rubuen and Aunt Hilda. She had a big garden with dill in it. She made the best pickles and kept them in the cellar. I was a little girl and thought the cellar was amazing and scary at the same time. I loved their tiny little house- had sparkles on the ceiling, real glass doorknobs, a huge backyard with a brick BBQ, the garage smelled like gasoline and cut grass all mixed together. They were the first people I knew that owned a refrigator with the freezer on the bottom and they always had vanilla ice cream with Hershey's syurp in the metal can.

Cantaloupe and watermelon are taking over.

The garden has had a few plants that didn't make it due to bugs and my lack of watering! But overall it has been a good garden season.

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