Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Time Fishing

Last week Rachel and I went fishing with some friends at a lake just a few minutes from our house. I wasn't too sure how it would go- Rachel had only been fishing once before in MT with my Dad and that was a few years ago. I haven't fished in years, but we did great!

I would put the worm or chicken liver on the hook and cast it out and Rachel would reel it in.  My friend, Michelle, caught the first fish and Rachel was so excited.

 Isabella checking out the fish. She and Rebecca are in playgroup  together. Isabella was soooo good at the lake. I was nervous about taking Rebecca and helping Rachel, so Rebecca stayed home with a sitter.

The lake is mostly stocked with catfish and bass. We ended up catching three fish and Rachel got so excited everytime.

The first fish was big and was bending the pole, so Johnny, who works at the lake reeled it in for us.

Rachel and I had the best time.
 She has been talking about the trip for days and keeps asking when we can go again.

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