Thursday, March 10, 2011

Play Date

This morning Rebecca and I met up with her playgroup friends for a morning out.  We usually meet at each other's houses, but decided to try and go somewhere with our almost two year old kids.

We decided on Chuck E Cheese. The good part-- the place was empty!  We were the only people there and since Rebecca doesn't really understand how to play the games, I only bought a few dollars worth of tokens.

The bad part--Rebecca had a MAJOR meltdown.  She kept going to the toy display case and asking for everything. It was not pretty. I tried to distract her, but it wasn't working too well. Here she is in all her glory!

I went and played a few games to get some tickets and bought her some smarties.  The candy and a cupcake from my friend, finally got her calmed down. 

And then she decided to play in the playground/ tunnel thing they have. She has been in it before with Rachel. But this time she was in there alone and managed to get lost, so I climbed up there and pulled her down.

After that she was fairly content to wander around and look at the games. She was the happiest putting the tickets inside the token return slot.  I think we won't be back to see Chuck E anytime soon!
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