Friday, March 5, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

We are back home from our trip to Panama. We arrived Tuesday evening to find snow on the ground! Just a few hours before we had been in ninety degree weather-crazy!  Our trip to Panama was an eventful one, things did not quite go as planned.....

Rachel had been sick with a cold the week we were leaving. It didn't get better or worse all week, until early Friday morning. She woke up having an asthma attack. I gave her the inhalers, had her rest, and by the time we left for the airport, she was OK.

To make a very long story short- Rachel struggled the entire flight to breath. She was using every muscle she had to take each breath. She was anxious, exhausted, burning with fever, just not doing well at all. We made it to Panama and were able to get her to a special doctor right away. He admitted her to ER for treatment. There we found she had pneumonia. We knew she was sick, but had no idea just how sick she was.

Rachel spent the next five days in the hospital. It was a long few days, but finally on Wednesday afternoon she was discharged from the hospital! We were so thankful to have her feeling better. She was still pretty weak and tired really easily, but her spirits were good and she was excited to at her abuela's house!

Just a few pictures of our girl during her hospital stay.

With a therapist- getting a treatment

The cutest balloon girl ever! From my brother and sister in law. They have a company that creates decorations for parties, businesses, etc... Rachel loved her balloons.

San Fernando Hospital were Rachel stayed

Feeling better and playing with her daddy.

Her Zhu Zhu pet -I had brought one from Georgia to give to her in Panama. She had been wanting one for awhile- she was so happy to get it. Really made our day to see her smile.

A surprise birthday party for me at the hospital . My bday was on the 24th and Rachel helped to plan a party for me. She was so cute, even changed into a dress. She was very excited about the whole thing. It was a lovely party- great food, cake, and some wonderful gifts too. Really brightened Rachel's spirits to have this little get together and she could see all of her family for awhile.

February 24th! Going home day! This is Rachel with her wonderful doctor- Dr. Smith and one of the aides that took great care of her.

Another wonderful nurse.

Wheeling her out to the car-time to go home!

Just love this picture! This is right when Rachel got home.  Rachel and Rebecca just laughed and smiled and hugged for the longest time. They had really missed each other.

We are so thankful to the wonderful doctor, nurses and hospital for taking great care of Rachel and getting her well again. We couldn't have made it through without the help of Raphael's family, especially his parents. They took care of Rebecca the entire time, so I could be at the hospital all day with Rachel. I knew Rebecca was having a wonderful time with her grandparents. And Raphael's brother and his wife too. They brought us food, drove us back and forth to the hospital, and gave wonderful support. We love you all !

And of course, we are praising the Lord that Rachel was able to recover quickly and is doing so well now. I was saying so many prayers-and I know lots of our friends and family were praying too. At so many times during this ordeal, I kept thinking that I knew it could be worse. And that there are so many children who are ill, enduring daily tests and treatments, crying for their moms and dads, and that many of them will not get better, they won't get to go home after a few days. I tried really hard to keep a brave face for Rachel, not to cry in front of her, make her even more scared than she already was. We have always been blessed to have two healthy and happy little girls. This situation made us realize how fortunate and blessed we are. I knew the Lord was with us and was keeping watch over our Rachel. 

Some more pictures of our trip to come soon!


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1 comment:

  1. Good grief! That sounds like it was very scary. I'm glad you were able to get the care you needed and had family close by to help out.
