Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Photos

The past two days have been "half-days" at school for Rachel. They were having parent teacher conferences in the afternoon. Rachel's conference was on Wednesday, and she is doing really well at school. Her teacher is a wonderful lady and Rachel seems to enjoy her first year of school.  She was back for a full day today!

 Rebecca and I spent the morning on little projects around the house. Yesterday, I moved Rebecca from her highchair into the booster chair at the big table. I wanted to see how she would do. I can't handle her highchair anymore! It has a cloth liner, and now that she feeds her self and misses her mouth quite often. So all the dropped food gets the chair dirty! I feel like it is never clean. So I am hoping that the booster seat will fix this little problem. Her she is trying out her new seat.

Rebecca has been super cranky the past few days. I think she is getting more teeth! Poor thing just fusses and cries. Doesn't want to be held, but doesn't want to be by herself either. I hope these teeth show up quick!

In a few weeks we are going to Panama to visit Raphael's family and take a cruise! We are really excited about the trip and I trying to get organized and think of all the stuff we need to take along. I bought a travel bed for Rebecca while we are there. It came yesterday and everyone had to check it out.

Lola was being silly dog today. She seems to think that she is human? She kept sitting on Rachel's booster seat. It was too cute.

And of course the girls have spent more time playing with the box that the bed came in than any of their toys!

Happy weekend!
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