Friday, August 30, 2013

Photos from my Phone Friday

I have been the worst at blogging lately, but I hope with both girls in school and not so much running around I will be a better blogger.
                 Rebecca and I made a trip to Whole Foods and she had her own little buggy to push.
I thought this rainbow Chard was so pretty. Too bad I don't really know how to cook it, or I would have bought some.
                                                     I picked some flowers growing in our garden.
         I took Rebecca to the lake for the day. She had a great time and we made lots of sandcastles.
    Tuesday was "meet and greet" day at preschool. Rebecca is so ready to get back to school.
   Saturday night we all went to our friends house for a birthday party.
I took the girls to the park so we could return the tadpoles back to their home.
We played at the park and then went out for lunch.
A trip to Home Depot.
       Rebecca and I did a little side walk chalk after dinner the other night.
I am training for another half marathon in October. I bought some new running shoes and I managed to run 15 miles for the first time ever!
And last, but not least--- yesterday was Lola's birthday. We put a candle in a chicken nugget and did sing Happy Birthday to her. She is a sweet little pug.

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