Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Packing for Panama!

In just a few days we are flying off to Panama! We are all so excited to get there and see our family. I have been packing and getting all the little details finished up before we go.  Rachel can hardly stand the waiting- She loves vacations, flying in airplanes, staying in hotels(or cruise boats for us!), eating in restaurants, buying souvenirs! I know the trip will be alot of fun and we are looking forward to our first cruise!

Last Friday, it started snowing in the afternoon and didn't stop all night. The girls were supposed to have hair cuts Saturday morning, but we had to cancel. The roads were ice-topped with snow. So instead, Rachel and I bundled up and played outside for awhile. Raphael took some pictures, but they are in his camera, so I will post them another time maybe.
All the pretty snow!

Later that day, we took the girls to a wonderful babysitter and Raphael and I went for a Valentine's date. First we had lunch at a really good sandwich shop and then we went to see the movie Avatar- in 3D. It was a good movie, glad that we were able to see it in 3D. Pretty amazing- easy to see why it has won so many awards. Raphael and I had a good time together. Definitely have to do some more date nights.

Yesterday, Rachel starting feeling yucky in the afternoon and really bad by evening. She and Rebecca were both in bed and asleep by 6:30! Rachel woke up feeling better, but not quite herself, so I kept her home from school today. We have been taking it easy, eating jello, and watching lots of cartoons. And Miss Rebecca is still fighting with a runny-stuffy nose. Poor baby!

Now- off to finish packing!
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Owl be your valentine!

Valentine's Day is fast approaching and Rachel has a few parties to attend. She is having a party at school tomorrow and then off to another party after school . I decided to try and make valentines for all of her friends this year. I like trying to be crafty and it was a lot of fun to do. And a lot more work than I thought it would be. On the website it all looked so simple and quick-ha!  The process took longer than I imagined, but Rachel is happy with the valentines. And I just love the little owls- so cute.
I made some with heart eyes and eyelashes for the girls.
And an extra big one for her teacher.

And Rachel wanted some to give to the bus driver, the mail lady,
her friends at church.... so I made a few more :)

A little cutie- wearing her valentines shirt from Nana.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Guess Who?

Guess who
figured out
how to climb the stairs?

(no babies were harmed during this photo shoot)

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Photos

The past two days have been "half-days" at school for Rachel. They were having parent teacher conferences in the afternoon. Rachel's conference was on Wednesday, and she is doing really well at school. Her teacher is a wonderful lady and Rachel seems to enjoy her first year of school.  She was back for a full day today!

 Rebecca and I spent the morning on little projects around the house. Yesterday, I moved Rebecca from her highchair into the booster chair at the big table. I wanted to see how she would do. I can't handle her highchair anymore! It has a cloth liner, and now that she feeds her self and misses her mouth quite often. So all the dropped food gets the chair dirty! I feel like it is never clean. So I am hoping that the booster seat will fix this little problem. Her she is trying out her new seat.

Rebecca has been super cranky the past few days. I think she is getting more teeth! Poor thing just fusses and cries. Doesn't want to be held, but doesn't want to be by herself either. I hope these teeth show up quick!

In a few weeks we are going to Panama to visit Raphael's family and take a cruise! We are really excited about the trip and I trying to get organized and think of all the stuff we need to take along. I bought a travel bed for Rebecca while we are there. It came yesterday and everyone had to check it out.

Lola was being silly dog today. She seems to think that she is human? She kept sitting on Rachel's booster seat. It was too cute.

And of course the girls have spent more time playing with the box that the bed came in than any of their toys!

Happy weekend!
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Around the house

Rebecca and I have spent most of the day at home, trying to get some things accomplished. We did make a quick Target run this morning for more diapers and some Valentine card supplies. Rebecca is maybe trying to get more teeth, because her nose is stuffy/runny and she seems to be a little bit cranky. Though today, she has played alot by herself and seems pretty happy. While I was vaccuming and cleaning here are a few photos of what Rebecca was up to around the house.
She really likes to play by the bottom stair and we don't have a gate up yet. So I put our temporary one there today and she tried her best to get around and under it.

playing with her dolls

Practicing her standing up skills

She did it!

And finally I got a picture of those teeth!
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